The Not Drinking Today Podcast

Are you trying to drink less alcohol but need some motivation? Or are you curious about sober life? The Not Drinking Today pod provides an invaluable resource to keep you motivated and on track today and beyond. Our guests include neuroscientists, quit-lit authors, journalists, health experts, alcohol coaches and everyday people who have struggled with alcohol but have triumphed over it.  Our aim is to support and inspire you to reach your goals to drink less or none at all! Meg and I are This Naked Mind Certified Coaches (plus nutritionists and counsellors respectively) who live in Sydney and love our alcohol free life.

All episodes can be heard on any of your favourite podcast platforms, such as Apple, Spotify and Google. I have set out a selection of episodes below. Head to your podcast platform of your choice to hear the full monty.

Girl Walks Out of A Bar: Recovered Lawyer & Trailblazing Author Lisa Smith

Eliza Parkinson: Alcohol & Parenting a Child With Special Needs

William Porter: Alcohol Explained

Surf Your Urge: Ride Your Craving Wave and Regain Impulse Control

Emma Gilmour, AF & ADHD in Midlife

Sober Legen Jen Hirst!

© 2023 Isabella Ferguson