Women & Alcohol
Isabella Ferguson Isabella Ferguson

Women & Alcohol

I mean it when I say that I have something in common - if not MANY things in common - with all the women that I have met who have drunk too much alcohol at one point in their lives.

It's the roles we juggle, the constant striving, the endless pursuit of, well, doing life the best we can keeping us and our dependents alive and well.

Our nightly tipple enables us to soldier on for a little while, if not a decade or two.
However it then becomes too much.

The women I meet are all ages, but most are in their 40's, 50's and 60's and they are ready to stop allowing alcohol to hold them back.

I can relate to all of these women.

I love that midlife allows us a chance to reset. It's not easy and it's not often a linear path, but it's worth it.

It's also hard being the first one in your group to take alcohol off the agenda for a while or forever. Again - it's worth it. Someone has to spark the change.

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