• Is alcohol getting in your way?

Work with me

Counselling and Coaching

with Isabella Ferguson

 I have set out the various ways we can work together below. I you have any questions, book in a 30 minute no obligation chat with me using the booking link and we an have a chat. I am always happy to answer any of your questions. I am a member of the Australian Counselling Association and abide by their rules and professional code of conduct.

Work With Me

Options to Suit You

Private sessions, The Alcohol Revolution Online Program, Small Group Challenges

I meet you where you are at. I learn about your drinking patterns, your alcohol story and whether you want to quit drinking or try moderating. I also workshop specific social events with you. I focus on your strengths, goals and needs, introduce psycho-education about alcohol’s chemical impacts, understand why you use it to cope, apply cognitive behavioural therapy to reframe limiting beliefs, nervous system grounding techniques and emotional regulation work, all of which combine to set you up with skills to navigate life without alcohol holding you back. A point of difference I bring to the table is that all of my clients gain access to my online programs, The Alcohol Revolution and The Alcohol Freedom Library, providing you with 24/7 access to support and resources around alcohol. Also, I a registered counsellor regulated by the ACA, bound by their professional rules.

Private Sessions

 Hourly, 6 Week or 12 Week Plans

6 week alcohol program

Online or Podcast

Alcohol Group Coaching

JULY CHALLENGE – DOORS OPEN but only for another 10 days

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My newsletter is released weekly or fortnightly (if life gets really busy) and includes discounts to my alcohol freedom challenges, new podcast releases, resources,  motivation boosts and hot tips about alcohol, stress and wellbeing.

© 2023 Isabella Ferguson