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Will Quitting Drinking Increase My Longevity?

Hello! Those that know me well, know I am a mad Swans fan. I mention this because last night I sat in the Chairmans lounge pre-game in Adelaide surrounded by boozers’ boozing left right and centre and not once did I feel a flicker of desire to reach for one. Whilst others got loud for an […]

Drinking Keeps Us Stuck in Mediocracy

Alcohol is an enabler – but at what cost? I love the topics we tackle as part of my alcohol freedom challenges. This is one that really resonates with me: Alcohol is an enabler that keeps us stuck in mediocracy. Can you relate? Alcohol “enables” us to: do the heavy lifting and keep going and […]

Surfing the Urge

The word “mindfulness” used to stop me in my tracks and not in a good way. I used to cringe when I heard it, roll my eyes when it was dropped in a sentence and get bamboozled by what the heck it meant! It. Just. Seemed. Like. A. Trendy. Overused. Term. However now I am […]

Motivation to stay the course to quit drinking

Motivation Today I am touching on how to stay the drink less course. “Motivation” is the process of inducing you to act in a certain way. However when it comes to drinking less have you found that it can be elusive and fail us when we need it the most?! I have. Motivation often dips […]

Common Alcohol Myths

Let’s debunk some common alcohol myths that many call on (including me back in the day!) to justify drinking large quantities and to offset thoughts of slowing down. Myth 1: “Alcohol Relieves Stress and Anxiety” Reality: Alcohol is both a depressant and a stimulant, releasing dopamine in the first 20 minutes but then counteracting this […]

Alcohol & Social Anxiety

Did you know that alcohol is a “safety behaviour”? A safety behaviour is a behaviour that we carry out to avoid discomfort in an anxious-inducing moment to self soothe. Alcohol is just one example of a safety behaviour. Carrying our phone around (everywhere!), constantly sipping from a large drink bottle or wearing long-sleeves and pants in […]

Burnout – Don’t Suffer in Silence

Burnout. Burnout doesn’t discriminate. Whether you’re in healthcare, education, a caregiver or the corporate world, burnout can impact anyone. It can often be a silent struggle. Many who are on the path to burnout or who are already there have personality types that lean towards honouring independence, not wanting to burden anyone, people pleasers, or […]

Labelling drinking or not drinking as “good” or “bad” can set yourself up for a stressful ride and perhaps failure

 Drinking is not good or bad. It just is. When trying not to drink or to drink less, it’s easy to fall into the trap of labelling not drinking “being good” and drinking occasions as “being bad.” However labelling drinking as “good” or “bad” can set yourself up for a stressful ride and perhaps failure. Here […]

Why Knowing Your Core Values is Key to Curating A Successful Life

It’s easy to lose sight of what’s truly important to us. In my latest podcast episode of De-Stress for Success, I discuss how our personal values have a profound impact on our journey towards a fulfilling life. We all stand at a crossroad in life at some point, questioning the essentials that shape our existence […]

Secret Drinking Red Flag Alert: Sneaking a Cheeky Pour to Drinking Home Alone

In our latest Not Drinking Today Podcast episode, we tackle the topic of hidden or secret drinking. It’s underground. It’s shameful. It’s dangerous and it is happening in households all around us. Many hiding their drinking look great on the outside (for a while, for years even) and many do not know why they are […]

© 2023 Isabella Ferguson