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Alcohol Free or Alcohol Minimal Holidays

Does the image of a cocktail or the sound of clinking champagne glasses sneak into your mind when you are dreaming about your perfect holiday escape?   Or have you managed to detach alcohol from your holidays to the extent that you only yearn for warm weather, beaches, sunset, good food and laughter? If this […]

What is Mindful Drinking (or Mindful Non-Drinking)?

Mindful Drinking “I would like to drink mindfully at some point” is something that I hear all the time from clients. Whilst some clients are clear from the outset that their goal is to embrace an alcohol-free life, others want to significantly cut back but be free to drink mindfully and have one or two […]

Is Your Nightly Wine Holding You Back from Reaching Your Fitness Goals?

The Sneakers or the Wine? When I was a regular drinker, I found it really hard to sustain a solid exercise routine. Exercise has always featured high on my to-do list, but when drinking was involved, I found the fatigue it caused really prevented me from excelling. There were many iterations of this. Sometimes I […]

What is an Alcohol Craving?

Cravings and Urges We all get cravings for one thing or another from time to time. Have you ever wondered “what are they?” and “what causes them?” I was asked this question by a client this week and so I thought I’d answer it here for you too. A craving for alcohol is defined as […]

Will Quitting Drinking Increase My Longevity?

Hello! Those that know me well, know I am a mad Swans fan. I mention this because last night I sat in the Chairmans lounge pre-game in Adelaide surrounded by boozers’ boozing left right and centre and not once did I feel a flicker of desire to reach for one. Whilst others got loud for an […]

Drinking Keeps Us Stuck in Mediocracy

Alcohol is an enabler – but at what cost? I love the topics we tackle as part of my alcohol freedom challenges. This is one that really resonates with me: Alcohol is an enabler that keeps us stuck in mediocracy. Can you relate? Alcohol “enables” us to: do the heavy lifting and keep going and […]

Surfing the Urge

The word “mindfulness” used to stop me in my tracks and not in a good way. I used to cringe when I heard it, roll my eyes when it was dropped in a sentence and get bamboozled by what the heck it meant! It. Just. Seemed. Like. A. Trendy. Overused. Term. However now I am […]

Motivation to stay the course to quit drinking

Motivation Today I am touching on how to stay the drink less course. “Motivation” is the process of inducing you to act in a certain way. However when it comes to drinking less have you found that it can be elusive and fail us when we need it the most?! I have. Motivation often dips […]

Common Alcohol Myths

Let’s debunk some common alcohol myths that many call on (including me back in the day!) to justify drinking large quantities and to offset thoughts of slowing down. Myth 1: “Alcohol Relieves Stress and Anxiety” Reality: Alcohol is both a depressant and a stimulant, releasing dopamine in the first 20 minutes but then counteracting this […]

Alcohol & Social Anxiety

Did you know that alcohol is a “safety behaviour”? A safety behaviour is a behaviour that we carry out to avoid discomfort in an anxious-inducing moment to self soothe. Alcohol is just one example of a safety behaviour. Carrying our phone around (everywhere!), constantly sipping from a large drink bottle or wearing long-sleeves and pants in […]

© 2023 Isabella Ferguson