Entries by Isabella Ferguson, Counsellor & Coach

Why Wait Until January 1st 2025?

Get a Head Start on Your Health Goals Now  As the year draws to a close, it’s easy to fall into the mindset of saving positive changes for January. New Year’s resolutions often feel like the perfect opportunity for a fresh start, but waiting for that flip of the calendar can create unnecessary pressure. But […]

Alcohol Free or Alcohol Minimal Holidays

Does the image of a cocktail or the sound of clinking champagne glasses sneak into your mind when you are dreaming about your perfect holiday escape?   Or have you managed to detach alcohol from your holidays to the extent that you only yearn for warm weather, beaches, sunset, good food and laughter? If this […]

What is an Alcohol Craving?

Cravings and Urges We all get cravings for one thing or another from time to time. Have you ever wondered “what are they?” and “what causes them?” I was asked this question by a client this week and so I thought I’d answer it here for you too. A craving for alcohol is defined as […]

Hello Sunday Morning With CEO, Dr Nicole lee

Hello Sunday Morning’s (HSM) CEO, Dr Nicole Lee, joins Not Drinking Today to talk about the remarkable work HSM does to support individuals to drink less. HSM’s mission is to aim to change the world’s relationship with alcohol one Sunday at a time! This is exactly what HSM does via its incredible Daybreak App, research, […]