The Two Big Lists & Visualising Future You

In this episode, Meg and Bella discuss two very important lists that identify the beliefs that we all develop over the course of our lives around alcohol and which creates a road map for the reframing process that will lead you to a new mindset around alcohol.  Meg and Bella then share the original content of a visualisation exercise that they independently did at the start of their own alcohol free journeys.  It’s vulnerable stuff today, yet empowering and hopeful.

Episode 3, Bella’s Story

In this episode, Bella shares her personal story which lead to her becoming an alcohol free woman and a This Naked Mind Certified Coach.    Bella’s story addresses her experiences with alcohol in her legal career, in becoming a mum and step-mum and how she leapt into mummy wine culture with wild abandonment only to hit rock bottom and end up with a wake-up call in rehab.  Bella opens up about the 4 themes that have been ever present in her life involving confidence, finding her tribe, her voice and anxiety which she believes she drank alcohol to overcome but which she then had to deal with head-on in order to successfully become alcohol free.  Bella is the founder and counsellor and coach of Isabella Ferguson Counselling & Coaching.  She supports women in mid-life and parents and teenagers in relation to issues involving alcohol, life balance and diet culture.

Episode 2, Meg’s Story

In this episode, Meg shares her personal story behind her decision to become an alcohol free woman and a This Naked Mind Certified Coach.  Meg opens up about her generalised anxiety disorder and social phobia, the 3 things that happened in her childhood that contributed to her anxiety and how she found that alcohol initially helped her manage her anxiety at the start but later exacerbated it.  Meg discusses how ditching the booze substantially reduced her anxiety and also made her feel happier and calmer, so much so that she now helps other people do the same.

Meg is the founder and a certified coach at Glass Fulfilled and can be found at  Meg welcomes all enquiries.

Welcome to She’s Sober Sydney! Podcast

In this first episode of She’s Sober Sydney Meg & Bella briefly touch on their personal experiences around becoming alcohol free women and how they met training to become This Naked Mind Certified Coaches.  Meg & Bella also share their vision for this podcast and discuss their excitement at sharing their personal stories and the stories of amazing individuals who have struggled and triumphed over alcohol.