What is Your “Meaning” or “Something Larger” in Life and Why is This Important to Know?

Imagine having a compass, a North Star, guiding you through life, providing a profound sense of contentment and satisfaction. In my most recent podcast episode, of De-Stress for Success, “What is Your Meaning or Something Larger in Life and Why is This Important to Know?” I delve into the intrinsic link between our life’s purpose and our overall wellbeing.

Purpose is more than just what we do; it is about who we are and why we exist. It is the thread that weaves together our life’s narrative, providing a coherent sense of identity and direction.

Purpose and meaning can be drawn from various wellsprings – the accomplishment of bold goals, service to others, spiritual awakenings, and the deep emotional bonds we share with people. Achieving ambitious goals can serve as a potent source of meaning. Working towards these goals can instill a sense of accomplishment, leading to increased satisfaction and happiness.

Moreover, the act of serving others can foster a sense of purpose and meaning. Through acts of kindness and generosity, we can make a tangible difference in others’ lives, fostering a sense of purpose and enhancing our sense of self-worth.

Spiritual awakenings can also serve as a great source of meaning. Spirituality can provide a larger framework for understanding our existence, helping us make sense of our place in the universe.

Emotional bonds, too, are a crucial source of meaning. The relationships we build with others, characterised by love and emotional connection, can provide us with a sense of belonging and purpose.

During the episode, I challenge listeners to dig deep, uncover their passions, and identify what truly ignites joy within them. Discovering your passion can act as a beacon during turbulent times, guiding you towards your life’s true meaning.

Finding meaning and purpose in life is closely linked to our overall life satisfaction. It transcends fleeting moments of happiness to provide a sense of fulfillment and contentment. A strong sense of purpose can also act as a protective factor against mental health issues such as depression and anxiety.

Finding meaning in life is a deeply personal and introspective journey. It often involves self-reflection, exploration, and a willingness to engage with both the philosophical and practical aspects of your existence. If you’re struggling to find meaning, don’t hesitate to seek support from a therapist, coach, or counsellor.

In conclusion, discovering your life’s true purpose can lead to a profound sense of happiness and contentment. It can serve as your North Star, guiding you through life’s ups and downs, providing you with a sense of direction, and ultimately leading you towards a more fulfilling and satisfying life.

Managing Difficult People: Practical Strategies with Dr. Rebecca Ray

My most recent episode of De-Stress for Success is all about difficult people. You know the ones! Those people in your life that press your buttons, make you feel like you are the problem, that leave you ruminating over what was said and wondering why you feel so awful. Who better to help us learn how to deal with difficult people, that the author of Difficult People, clinical psychologist, Dr Rebecca Ray.

Dr. Ray has spent years helping individuals navigate the challenges of interacting with difficult people, including family members and colleagues. Through her insightful exploration of these subjects, she provides our listeners with valuable strategies to manage stress and difficult personalities effectively.

Dealing with difficult people is a significant source of stress. These individuals often have a knack for pushing our buttons and making us feel like we are the problem. But, as Dr. Ray points out, it’s crucial to distinguish genuinely difficult people from those simply going through a rough patch. Many challenging personalities are products of their pasts, and understanding this can foster empathy. However, this should not compromise our psychological safety.

One of the central themes of our discussion with Dr. Ray was the concept of compassion, particularly when dealing with difficult people. Compassion, she suggests, can transform our interactions with difficult individuals, helping us approach them from a place of understanding rather than frustration or anger.

However, compassion does not mean allowing difficult people to walk over us. Dr. Ray stresses the importance of setting boundaries and ensuring our psychological safety. If we fail to set boundaries, we inadvertently enable difficult behavior, feeding into the cycle of stress and conflict.

Dr. Ray also shares her personal strategies for managing stress. Her approach is rooted in self-kindness and compassion, a philosophy that can be transformative for those accustomed to harsh self-criticism. She offers practical scripts to navigate tricky conversations and handle difficult people, tools that can empower listeners to manage their stress more effectively.

In conclusion, managing stress and difficult people is a complex process requiring self-awareness, compassion, and firm boundaries. By understanding the nuances of stress and the motivations of difficult people, we can approach these challenges with greater confidence and effectiveness. Dr. Rebecca Ray’s insights and strategies offer a roadmap to more compassionate stress management and healthier interactions with difficult people.

The great news?! Dr Ray’s book, Difficult People, includes over 100 scripts to help you navigate tricky conversations and create effective boundaries with difficult people. Tune in for an engaging conversation that leaves you armed to manage difficult people effectively and compassionately and lessen the ensuing stress that these conversations usually create.

To learn more about Dr Rebecca Ray, visit https://rebeccaray.com.au
Rebecca’s instagram handle is: https://www.instagram.com/drrebeccaray/

Dr Ray is the author of 6 fabulous books, including Difficult People, all of which can be found in good bookstores, in print on the Kindle and audio formats. Highly recommended!

A Call to Action: Combatting the Phone Addiction Crisis Among Adults and Children with Professor Selena Bartlett

In a recent De-Stress for Success podcast episode (episode 5), globally recognised neuroscientist, Professor Selena Bartlett, joined me for a profound conversation about our relationship with mobile technology. The topic is of great importance in this tech-saturated era, especially when considering the influence these devices have on our brain health, stress levels and interpersonal relationships.

Our phones are like mini poke machines. They have been designed to be addictive, tapping into old circuits in our brains to train us to stay hooked. The impact is so significant that people often prefer to be with their phones than with other people. This device-induced addiction has a profound effect on our stress levels and our ability to be present. By understanding the neuroscience behind these patterns, we can better navigate our relationship with technology and mitigate its negative impacts.

Unfortunately, the consequences of our technology obsession don’t stop at adults. Our children mimic what we do but have taken their use of mobile technology to a whole new level. A pressing concern highlighted in our conversation with Professor Bartlett is the current mental health crisis among young people, significantly influenced by technology. Today, children as young as four are immersed in tech, exposed to third-party apps that parents naively believe are safe. Crime networks are exploiting our children online, and our reliance on parental controls and screen time restrictions is not enough.

In response to these alarming realities, Professor Bartlett emphasises the need for a fresh approach to parenting in this tech-saturated era. Socratic Parenting Skills, she suggests, can be instrumental in initiating meaningful dialogues with our children about their tech use. Understanding the signs of grooming and having a carefully crafted Tech Family Plan can act as a protective shield for our kids.

The situation calls for immediate action. The mental health of all of us, including our children is at stake, and it’s essential to impart to them that our love for them is infinitely more significant than any technological device. We must reshuffle our priorities and not only shield our children from the darker aspects of the digital world but also future addiction. Tech use impacts not only their ability to focus and stay connected but it negatively impacts their relationships, body image, hormones and ability to connect with others well into the future.

Professor Bartlett’s insights are not only enlightening but also alarming. The tech addiction crisis among children is already having an impact. As parents, we need to regain control and create safe digital environments for our children. This call to action is not just about ensuring online safety but also about preserving our children’s mental health and ensuring their holistic development in a tech-saturated world.

This eye-opening conversation with Professor Bartlett is a reminder that as parents, our responsibility goes beyond providing for our children’s basic needs. In the digital age, we must also become their protectors, educators, and guides in navigating the complex digital world.

But more importantly, we need to lead by example, put our phones down, hide them in the top drawer, keep them out of our bedrooms, away from the dinner table and commit to a Family Tech Plan. We need to buy into real change around our use of our devises too.

Stress Less by Silencing Your Inner Critic: Tools for Positive Self-Talk

Do you struggle with a relentless inner critic that often dictates your actions and feelings? You are not alone. Many of us grapple with negative self-talk, often without realizing its profound impact on our lives. The good news is, we can harness the power of positive self-talk to rewrite our inner dialogue and transform our lives. This was the central theme of my recent De-Stress for Success podcast episode.

Negative self-talk is the internal dialogue that tends to put us down. It can be a formidable force that sparks a cascade of stress responses in our bodies, leading to feelings of anxiety, self-doubt, and even self-fulfilling prophecies. On the flip side, positive self-talk can inspire feelings of confidence, resilience, and motivation. The key is to understand this internal monologue and learn how to control it effectively.

Our internal monologue, also known as self-talk, is a powerful determinant of our emotions and behaviors. When we entertain persistent and harsh self-criticism, it triggers a range of stress responses. The amygdala, a small structure deep within the brain that processes emotions, perceives these self-critical thoughts as real threats, setting off a stress response. This can result in a vicious cycle of negative thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.

But how do we combat this common mental battle? The first step is to recognise and understand our inner dialogue. By identifying patterns and triggers in our self-talk, we can begin to rewire our brains for more positive thinking. Practical strategies include meditation, breathwork, positive affirmations, and nurturing supportive relationships. These tools can help us observe our thoughts without judgment, leading to a more positive and empowering thought process.

Moreover, understanding the roots of negative self-talk is crucial. These thought patterns often stem from early childhood experiences, traumatic events, societal pressures, or a lack of self-compassion. By identifying these sources, we can challenge and change our negative beliefs.

Another important aspect is recognising that we are not our thoughts. We are the observers of our thoughts. By observing our thoughts without identifying with them, we can gain a sense of detachment from the inner dialogue. This enables us to let go of self-critical thoughts and replace them with more positive and empowering ones.

In the end, it’s about empowering ourselves. It’s about rewriting our inner monologue and shaping our future in the direction we desire. By consciously practicing positive self-talk, we can transform our inner dialogue and consequently, our lives.

Remember, changing your inner dialogue is not a one-time effort. It requires consistent practice and mindfulness. But with intentional effort, we can reshape our neural pathways, foster more positive thoughts, and ultimately, lead a more fulfilling life. It’s time to silence your inner critic and embrace a more positive and empowering thought process.

Please reach out and book in a free 30 minute confidential chat if you would like support to stress less or drink less: https://isabellaferguson.com.au/booking/


The Power of Breathwork and Yoga Nidra in Restoring Balance: Practical Breathwork Strategies with Danni Carr

The hustle and bustle of everyday life often leave us gasping for breath, both metaphorically and literally.

My latest De-Stress for Success podcast episode with Danni Carr, a trauma-informed sobriety coach and certified meditation and breathwork teacher, brings light to the transformative power of breathwork and yoga nidra as stress management techniques.

These practices have the potential to help individuals establish equilibrium amidst life’s stresses.

Danni shares her expert insights on how breathwork can activate the parasympathetic nervous system. This aspect of our nervous system plays a vital role in inducing a tranquil state, providing an escape from the whirlwind of thoughts that often cloud our minds.

This calmness is not fleeting; instead, it creates a lasting effect, reducing stress levels and establishing a sense of balance in our lives.

Breathwork strategies that can be easily incorporated into your daily routine. The beauty of these techniques lies in their simplicity and accessibility. The act of focusing on our breath, of inhaling and exhaling intentionally, can lead to a rejuvenated body and mind.

The power of breathwork is underscored by its role in stress management, proving it to be a potent tool in promoting self-care and acknowledging our need for personal time.

In this episode we delve into the potential of yoga nidra to restore the nervous system and improve memory. The practice of yoga nidra, which directly translates to yogic sleep, allows the body to mimic the state of sleep, slowing down brain waves and inducing a deeply restorative state. This state of rest is not only rejuvenating but also holds numerous health benefits. From lowering blood pressure and inflammation markers in the body to boosting memory, yoga nidra is emerging as a therapeutic practice recommended by health professionals.

This enriching experience encourages us to harness the power of our breath and over time pre-empt stress and cope a little better with life’s chaos when things get tough. Through consistent practice, we can foster inner peace, enhancing our overall wellbeing.

I highly recommend that you check-out Danni’s guided mediation and breathwork on the Insight Timer app: https://insighttimer.com/howiquitalcoholconclusion. They are incredible. For beginners like me, they provide a great entrée to the world of breathwork as an antidote to stress, helping to set up a new healthier stress response.

Behind the Smile: Ash Butterss on Navigating through Trauma, Addiction and Rebuilding Self-Esteem

Prepare to be spellbound by Ash Butterss, a wellness mentor and yoga meditation teacher, as she bravely narrates her journey from growing up in an alcoholic home to overcoming addiction and rebuilding self-esteem. Travel with us down the memory lane of Ash’s formative years marked by trauma, her relationship with alcohol, and the subsequent tumble into addiction. Her story is a testament to resilience and self-discovery, and ensuing joy and fulfillment.

Ash guides us through the labyrinth of breaking the cycle of negative behaviour, self-forgiveness, and the process of healing. Join us in exploring the significance of community in recovery, the necessity to process our own trauma and emotions, and the crucial task of reconnecting with our authentic selves.

Ash’s vision is to eradicate the stigma surrounding mental health and addiction, a goal that is intricately interwoven into every facet of her work. If you or someone you know is grappling with addiction or if you’re intrigued by the complex intersections of trauma, mental health, and addiction, this episode promises an enlightening journey. Listen in to Ash’s awe-inspiring story of transformation and healing.

Making Informed Choices: The Truth About Alcohol and Stress

Alcohol is often seen as a stress reliever, a soothing elixir to wash away the pressures of the day. But how accurate is this belief? In my latest podcast episode of De-Stress For Success, we delve into the complex, and often paradoxical, relationship between alcohol and stress.

We begin by exploring the physiological effects of alcohol on our bodies. Despite its initial calming effects, alcohol can exacerbate stress levels. This paradox is attributed to the complex interplay of neurotransmitters and hormones in our bodies. Initially, alcohol triggers the release of dopamine in the brain, leading to feelings of pleasure and reward. However, this initial relief is short-lived. As the dopamine levels decrease, the body releases stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol, leading to increased stress and restlessness.

Regular and heavy drinking can disrupt the body’s hormonal balance, causing the release of stress hormones even in anticipation of alcohol. This contributes to heightened anxiety and sensitivity to stress, leading to a vicious cycle where alcohol is sought as a means of escape, but which ironically contributes to the very stress you’re trying to escape from.

We also delve into the psychological implications of using alcohol as a coping mechanism. When alcohol is relied upon to relieve stress, it can stifle the development of healthier stress management strategies. This can lead to psychological dependence and a cycle of escalating stress and alcohol consumption.

Alcohol’s impact on our mood and sleep patterns further complicates its relationship with stress. While alcohol may facilitate falling asleep initially, it disrupts the later stages of sleep, leading to poorer sleep quality overall. This lack of restorative sleep contributes to higher stress levels. The neurochemical effects of alcohol can also amplify negative emotions and thoughts, leading to increased feelings of anxiety and depression when the effects of alcohol diminish.

Moreover, consistent, regular to heavy alcohol consumption can lead to various physical health problems such as liver damage, cardiovascular issues, weakened immune system, and even an increased risk of certain types of cancer. These health concerns can trigger stress and anxiety, further exacerbating the cycle of stress and alcohol consumption.

However, the purpose of this episode is not to advocate for absolute sobriety (although congratulations if this is where you are at or your goal!), but to provide listeners with the knowledge and understanding to make more informed choices about alcohol’s role in their lives. It’s an invitation to re-evaluate your relationship with alcohol and stress, to move from merely surviving to truly thriving.

The key takeaway is the need to explore healthier coping mechanisms for stress. Exercise, mindfulness, and deep breathing are just a few examples of strategies that can break the stress cycle without the negative effects associated with alcohol.

In conclusion, the relationship between alcohol and stress is complex and multi-faceted. While alcohol may seem like a quick fix to stress, its long-term effects can exacerbate stress levels and lead to a host of other health issues. By understanding the true impact of alcohol on our bodies and minds, we can make informed choices that contribute to our overall well-being.

From Addiction to Endurance: Nikki Langman’s Journey to Authenticity and Sobriety

Meet Nikki Langman—international speaker, author, thought leader, and endurance runner. Nikki, once a career alcoholic, started her journey with addiction quite early, at the tender age of seven. She was introduced to the world of drinking, and it quickly spiraled into a manipulative and deceitful relationship with alcohol. Join us as she bares it all, revealing the struggles of confronting the person in the mirror, and the bravery it took to get honest with herself. Nikki’s journey is a testament to self-improvement and authentic living.

But there’s more to Nikki than just sobriety. She’s a long-distance runner, a love she discovered as a method to regulate her high energy levels and find joy in extreme physical activities. Nikki redefines what it means to be a badass, embracing bravery, authenticity, a sense of direction, and self-love. She candidly discusses her support system and the positive changes she made to support her sobriety. Get ready to be moved by Nikki’s incredible journey from addiction to endurance running, from self-deceit to authenticity, and from surviving to thriving.

Embracing the Benefits of an Alcohol Coach with Lived Experience

Embarking on a journey to drink less alcohol or to overcome problematic drinking is a courageous step towards reclaiming control over your life and well-being. While this path may seem daunting, it’s important to remember that you’re not alone in your struggle. Engaging an alcohol coach who has lived experience with problematic drinking can provide unique and invaluable benefits that go beyond conventional approaches. This blog delves into the reasons why a coach with lived experience can be a game-changer on your path to ditching the booze.


  1. Empathy and Understanding

One of the most significant advantages of having an alcohol coach with lived experience is the deep empathy and understanding they bring to the table. This coach has personally walked the path of overcoming problematic drinking, allowing them to connect with your journey on a level that a traditional coach might not be able to. Their empathy is not just from a theoretical standpoint, it’s rooted in their own struggles, successes, and setbacks, making their support more relatable and authentic.

  1. Reduced Stigma

Unfortunately, societal stigma around addiction and mental health challenges still exists. Engaging with an alcohol coach who has faced similar struggles reduces the sense of isolation and shame that you might feel. This normalisation of the recovery process helps break down barriers to seeking help and encourages a more open dialogue about mental well-being.

  1. Real-World and Relatable Strategies

While conventional alcohol coaches and counsellors possess theoretical knowledge about recovery strategies, a coach with lived experience can provide you with real-world strategies that have worked for them. They’ve tested and refined these strategies in their own lives, giving them firsthand knowledge of what works and what doesn’t. This practical advice can be invaluable, as it’s tailored to the realities of overcoming the challenges you’re facing.

The path to quitting alcohol is not a one-size-fits-all journey, and what works for one person might not work for another. A coach with lived experience brings a toolbox of relatable strategies that have worked for them personally. They can offer practical advice that goes beyond generic recommendations, tailoring their guidance to the individual’s unique circumstances. This targeted approach increases the likelihood of success and helps clients navigate challenges more effectively.

  1. Personalised Guidance

An alcohol coach who has battled problematic drinking understands that recovery is not a one-size-fits-all journey. Their guidance is personalized to your specific needs, triggers, and goals. They can help you navigate the complexities of your individual situation, making adjustments and recommendations based on their own experiences. This individualised approach can lead to more effective results and a higher likelihood of sustaining your progress over the long term.

  1. Inspiring Hope and Resilience

Witnessing someone who has triumphed over their own struggles with problematic drinking can serve as a beacon of hope and inspiration. A coach with lived experience embodies the possibility of change, demonstrating that recovery is achievable even in the face of adversity. Their story of resilience can motivate you during challenging moments and remind you that you’re capable of achieving the same transformation.

  1. Building Trust and Rapport

Establishing trust and rapport with a coach is essential for a successful coaching relationship. A coach who shares their own journey of recovery fosters a sense of authenticity and transparency. This openness can create a safe space for you to share your thoughts, fears, and setbacks without judgment. Knowing that your coach has faced similar struggles can help you feel understood and accepted, enhancing the effectiveness of the coaching process.


Engaging an alcohol coach with lived experience of problematic drinking can be a transformative step on your journey towards reaching your drinking less goals. Their empathy, real-world strategies, personalised guidance, inspirational story, and ability to build trust all contribute to a coaching relationship that goes beyond the ordinary. Remember, you deserve all the support and resources available to overcome problematic drinking and lead a healthier, happier life. Embrace the benefits of a coach who not only understands your journey but has walked the path themselves.

The decision to seek help for problematic drinking is a courageous one, and having an alcohol coach with lived experience by your side can be a game-changer. Their empathy, relatable strategies, authentic inspiration, personalised support, and ongoing assistance create a comprehensive support system that propels individuals toward lasting recovery.

The bond formed with a coach who has walked the same path serves as a reminder that transformation is not only possible but within reach. Remember, you’re never alone in your journey towards better mental and emotional health.

Let me support you

One of the most rewarding things that I have done in my life is to have quit alcohol. It was incredibly challenging at times. However it was and is worth it. Once I became alcohol-free opportunities opened and life just felt easier and happier. It is now my pleasure to guide others through this process.

Book in an introductory call with my using this link and let’s see if we are the right fit to work together.

Why Moderating Alcohol is so Incredibly Hard to Achieve

In Australian culture, where alcohol is deeply ingrained in everything we do, the concept of moderation can seem deceptively simple. However, for many, moderating alcohol consumption is usually far more challenging than anticipated. This blog delves into the various reasons why achieving moderation can be difficult and offers insights into how to navigate these hurdles.

The top reasons why moderation is difficult

The Illusion of Control: One of the main reasons moderation can be hard is the illusion of control that alcohol can create. You often start with the intention of having “just one drink,” believing you can stop whenever you want. However, alcohol’s ability to impair judgment and lower inhibitions can easily lead to overconsumption. The saying “I can only say no to the first drink” is true for many.

Social Pressures and Norms: Our society often associates alcohol with celebrations, gatherings, and relaxation. As a result, social pressures and norms can make it tough to stick to moderation, especially when surrounded by friends or family who might encourage drinking more than intended. How many of us know a non-drinker? No many and certainly not when we were growing up and developing our beliefs around the role that alcohol plays in society. At a young age we can form the belief that we need alcohol to socialise and fit in just by observing those around us.

The Slippery Slope of Escalation: For moderation to “work”, you really need to only have one or two drinks when you are out. Most people’s idea of moderation is usually much more than this and resembles binge drinking instead.  A single drink often leads to another, and before you know it, the line between moderation and excess is blurred. On top of that your tolerance increases and you need more alcohol to get the same buzz.

The All or Nothing Mindset: Many people struggle with an all-or-nothing approach when it comes to alcohol. You might find it challenging to stop at one or two drinks, leading to a sense of defeat and ultimately consuming more than intended.

The Pleasure Principle: Alcohol triggers the brain’s reward system, releasing dopamine and creating a pleasurable sensation. This biochemical response can make it difficult to stop after just one drink. What’s more, dopamine is the brain’s reward chemical, making you believe that you need alcohol to cope.

Emotional Triggers: Emotions play a substantial role in our relationship with alcohol. Stress, sadness, or even happiness can trigger a desire to drink. Using alcohol as a coping mechanism for emotional turbulence can make it exceedingly difficult to stick to moderation goals.

Constant State of Withdrawal: Unlike abstaining from alcohol entirely, moderation involves keeping your body in a constant state of withdrawal. Even with a glass or two, your body needs to get rid of the alcohol in your system to reduce it back down to normal. With that comes a feeling of restlessness and anxiety, uncomfortable feelings which often lead you to want to drink some more to avoid.

Obstructing New Habit Formation: Moderation does not allow the time and space for you to develop new neural pathways that allow new healthier habits to form without alcohol. On top of that you don’t get to experience all the amazing benefits of living alcohol free, such as restorative sleep, improved energy and motivation (and the rest!). This makes the whole process of drinking less even harder to achieve.

Overcoming the challenges

Gaining self-awareness around your personal triggers and drinking habits is the first step. Do you drink when your stressed, or lonely or to calm an agitated nervous system? From there you can begin the process of reframing how you view and respond to alcohol.

Understanding the science of alcohol and what it does chemically to your body is part of the change process and can empower you to seek what you really need elsewhere.

If you are caught in a cycle of trying but failing at moderation, allowing yourself a decent break from alcohol for a period of at least 6 weeks is often the best place to start. This will allow you to evaluate your triggers and degree of reliance on it, establish new healthier habits, gain confidence in your ability to socialise and relax it without it and to reset and recalibrate your system.

Engage extra support

Often it is hard to drink less alcohol on your own and reaching out for additional support to reach your goals can be just what you need to motivate you to succeed.

Please book in a discovery call with me if you would like support to drink less alcohol.