Entries by Isabella Ferguson, Counsellor & Coach

Welcome to She’s Sober Sydney! Podcast

In this first episode of She’s Sober Sydney Meg & Bella briefly touch on their personal experiences around becoming alcohol free women and how they met training to become This Naked Mind Certified Coaches.  Meg & Bella also share their vision for this podcast and discuss their excitement at sharing their personal stories and the […]

Honouring your inner rebel!

Why taking a break from alcohol needs to be an autonomous decision based on self-compassion Taking a break from alcohol is so much easier if it is your own free choice to do so and it comes from a place of self-compassion not deprivation.  Here is why! We need autonomy (meet your inner rebel!) Rules […]

Female Lawyers and Alcohol

Many women now in their mid-late 40s and 50s who, after decades of drinking as part of university and legal culture, are now finding themselves unhealthy and unhappy. Alcohol plays a significant role in this. This is not an attack on law firms or in any way meant to be disparaging towards female lawyers. In fact, […]

Perfectionism and Alcohol

Making the connection between escalating alcohol consumption, excessive social media use and/or emotional over-eating and perfectionistic tendencies isn’t so obvious at first, but it becomes clearer when digging a little deeper at what perfectionism hides and how exhaustingly unattainable it is. So how is perfectionism defined?  Dr Brene Brown writes that: “[P]erfectionism is a self-destructive […]