Entries by Isabella Ferguson, Counsellor & Coach

Common Alcohol Myths

Let’s debunk some common alcohol myths that many call on (including me back in the day!) to justify drinking large quantities and to offset thoughts of slowing down. Myth 1: “Alcohol Relieves Stress and Anxiety” Reality: Alcohol is both a depressant and a stimulant, releasing dopamine in the first 20 minutes but then counteracting this […]

Alcohol & Social Anxiety

Did you know that alcohol is a “safety behaviour”? A safety behaviour is a behaviour that we carry out to avoid discomfort in an anxious-inducing moment to self soothe. Alcohol is just one example of a safety behaviour. Carrying our phone around (everywhere!), constantly sipping from a large drink bottle or wearing long-sleeves and pants in […]

Burnout – Don’t Suffer in Silence

Burnout. Burnout doesn’t discriminate. Whether you’re in healthcare, education, a caregiver or the corporate world, burnout can impact anyone. It can often be a silent struggle. Many who are on the path to burnout or who are already there have personality types that lean towards honouring independence, not wanting to burden anyone, people pleasers, or […]

Labelling drinking or not drinking as “good” or “bad” can set yourself up for a stressful ride and perhaps failure

 Drinking is not good or bad. It just is. When trying not to drink or to drink less, it’s easy to fall into the trap of labelling not drinking “being good” and drinking occasions as “being bad.” However labelling drinking as “good” or “bad” can set yourself up for a stressful ride and perhaps failure. Here […]

Being Magnificent in Midlife With Emma Gilmore

On my latest episode of the De-Stress for Success Podcast, I talk to Emma Gilmour of Hope Rising Coaching about the stresses that we face in midlife and how to tap into our magnificence. Navigating midlife can often feel like a tumultuous journey, one where the burden of perfectionism and societal expectations weighs heavily on […]

Binge Drinking Like Your Teenage Self?

How can you re-anchor freedom and adventure with healthier behaviours? Meg and I had terrific downloads and emails responding to our Binge Drinking Podcast episode and I’ve being thinking about it a lot of late. A quick recap, binge drinking is defined as drinking more than 4 standard drinks in one session and  is characterised as drinking quickly with the […]