
Mel Moss, VIA Drinks: How Going Alcohol Free Propelled Mel to Find Her Passion & Purpose

Mel Moss, VIA Drinks: How Going Alcohol Free Propelled Mel to Find Her Passion & Purpose

Mel Moss, introduces us to VIA, an alternative to alcohol which delivers on taste and feel-good vibes. Mel also talks about her alcohol-free story. Mel stopped drinking alcohol on Mother’s Day 2019 after reading Annie Grace’s This Naked Mind. She didn’t put it down for two days and laughs that it must have contained “magic spells” that transformed her relationship with alcohol and changed her life for the better. We chat about socialising alcohol-free, being the best role models for our kids that we can be and finding our passion and zest for life. Mel believes that the very act of giving up alcohol propelled her to embrace mid-life and channel the energy, motivation and passion she needed to help launch VIA with her fellow colleagues, Sarah & Kiersten, and lead a life she loves. Learn more about VIA at: and follow VIA on Instagram at @viadrinks.