
Pia Clinton-Tarestad of The Clean Slate Clinic is a Woman on a Mission

Pia Clinton-Tarestad of The Clean Slate Clinic is a Woman on a Mission

Today we are joined by Pia Clinton-Tarestad, Co-founder & Chief Executive of The Clean Slate Clinic. In fact, Pia was The Clinic’s very first client! Pia tried and tested The Clinic’s program from her caravan as she travelled around Australia. She started the program in New South Wales, detoxed in South Australia, continued it through Western Australia, Northern Territory and Queensland, completing it near Sydney. It was absolutely life changing for her. She believes that had she not done the program she might not have been able to transform her relationship with alcohol as she has done now as the barriers to her seeking help were so significant. Since then, Pia has been a “women on a mission to make it available to anyone who needs it”. The Clinic is an innovative and ground-breaking service that provides a Telehealth program supporting Australians struggling with alcohol (and also stimulants and cannabis) dependence to safely detox from home. Pia brings a wealth of knowledge to this role, including a lived experience with an alcohol use disorder and with that immense passion and determination to make this service as accessible as possible. Pia’s story is compelling and certainly one to listen to. For further information we encourage you to look at The Clean Slate Clinic’s site:  You can also follow The Clinic on Instagram: @cleanslateclinic.